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How do you add sites or IP addresses to the intrusion prevention blocked list? You can add to the white list, but not the black list?
Thursday, November 08 2018, 04:35 AM
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, November 08 2018, 08:47 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Do you really mean the IPS or the Attack Detector? Either way they are just use firewall rules in combination with ipset. It looks like the snortsam_EGRESS and snortsam_INGRESS ipset lists just contain lists of IP's so they should be easily hackable. snortsam_SELF is a list of ip,port,ip so I don't know what should go in there. I would not however go down this route as it looks like all entries time out after 3600s so you won't get a permanent block.

    You could go down the Custom Firewall rule route for individual firewall rules or do something like I used to do until I became bored with it. Create a file like /etc/clearos/firewall.d/95-custom_blocks and in it put something like:

    ipset create custom-block hash:net -exist
    ipset flush custom-block

    if [ "$FW_PROTO" == "ipv4" ]; then true
    $IPTABLES -I INPUT -m set --match-set custom-block src -m state --state NEW -j DROP
    #$IPTABLES -I INPUT -m set --match-set custom-block src -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "Custom_Block"

    ipset add -exist custom-block
    ipset add -exist custom-block
    ipset add -exist custom-block
    ipset add -exist custom-block
    ipset add -exist custom-block
    Adjust the firewall to suit what you want. The ipset blocks can be either IP address or subnets.
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