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ClearOS Community 6.5.0 Beta 2 Release Information

Released: October 11, 2013

ClearOS Community 6.5.0 Beta 2 has arrived! Along with the usual round of bug fixes and enhancements, version 6.5.0 introduces Marketplace enhancements, a Network Detail Report, an Administrators app,Official Amazon EC2 Support, a Software RAID Manager, Mail Archive,UPnP Support, an updated Web Server app, as well as new reporting features.

The Professional Edition beta will be available the week of October 14.

Some of the new apps in the beta are NOT available via the Marketplace but can be installed via yum. You can find installation and app details further below.

If you have not already done so, please review the introduction to test releases.

Changes Since Beta 1

  • Tuned various apps to be Samba 4 ready
  • Tuned system to be ClearOS 7 ready
  • Updated support for Internet Explorer

What's New in ClearOS Community 6.5.0

The following is a list of features coming in ClearOS Community 6.5.0.

Under the hood, some changes were made to support OwnCloud as well as web-based applications (Tiki Wiki, WordPress, Joomla, etc.). We are hoping to include a free version of the Network Map app available for the final release.

For businesses and organizations, ClearOS Professional 6.5.0 also includes:

The full changelog can be found here:

Known Issues

  • Install wizard workflow is non-intuitive in places (more information below)
  • Report tick marks show funny decimals
  • Report number formatting and units is not user friendly
  • General polish in some of the new apps


Please post your feedback in the ClearOS Development and Test Release Forum.


ISO Images


Virtual Machine and Cloud Images

Virtual Machine and Cloud Images are not available for this beta.

Upgrade from Earlier ClearOS Community 6.x Releases

To upgrade an existing system to ClearOS 6.5.0 Beta 2, you can run the following command:

yum --enablerepo=clearos-updates-testing upgrade

Beta Testing Details


The number of apps available in ClearOS can be a bit overwhelming. The ClearOS 6.5.0 release provides some new Marketplace features to help alleviate the situation. The Marketplace Install Wizard now provides 3 install options for getting through the app selection process:

  • For new users, there's a Feature Wizard that steps through various features in ClearOS.
  • For veteran users, the Category Wizard displays apps by category (Server, Network, System and Reports) for quickly selecting what's needed.
  • For MSPs and consultants, the Quick Select option provides one-step recipes for deploying customer solutions.

In addition, there's a new Layout Manager that lets you choose how you want to view Marketplace apps (see screenshot below). We are still working through some usability issues in the entire install wizard, so feedback is certainly welcome.

ClearOS Marketplace Updates

Network Detail Report

The Network Detail Report provides a historical view of network traffic on a per IP/user basis. To install the app, run:

yum --enablerepo=clearos-updates-testing install app-network-detail-report


The Administrators app allows you to delegate access to certain apps. The app is available in Marketplace. The app still needs some polish, notably:

  • Public pages (e.g. User Profile) should be filtered out.
  • Some apps will not work independently. For example, the PPTP Server requires access to the Account Manager. We'll clean those issues up.
  • There is an and a button… a wee bit confusing!

Updated Reporting Engine

The underlying reporting engine has been updated to support additional drill-down features as well as live charts. Known issues:

  • Some of the charts will show strange decimals on the x or y axis (e.g. 2.000002 instead of just 2)
content/en_us/announcements_releases_clearos_community_6.5.0_beta_2_release_information.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/28 12:32 (external edit)