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The mdadm tool is used to create, manage and monitor software RAID devices.

Spec File Changes

The default mdadm RPM requires smtpdaemon to send RAID alerts. The ClearOS system uses a built-in mailer to send alerts, so the installation of a full SMTP mail server is overkill. search?q=clearos%2C%20clearos%20content%2C%20AppName%2C%20app_name%2C%20version5%2C%20dev%2C%20packaging%2C%20xcategory%2C%20maintainer_dloper%2C%20maintainerreview_x%2C%20keywordfix&btnI=lucky

content/en_us/dev_packaging_clearos_5.x_mdadm.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/23 22:15 by dloper