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BareMetal Backup

The Bare Metal Backup/Restore app saves and restores both users' home directories and the configuration settings to and from a USB disk. It creates a single backup when it runs deleting previous backups.

This app was originally written by Mercy Corps and has subsequently been donated to Clearcenter but is unsupported by them. If you would like to volunteer to maintain the app, please e-mail


If your system does not have this app available, you can install it via the Marketplace.

You can find this feature in the menu system at the following location:

System|Backup|Baremetal Backup and Restore


Bare Metal Backup is split into tasks that you may wish to perform. You can see those tasks here with a default view:

Initializing Devices

To get started with Bare Metal Backup, you will need to insert a USB device that you will use for backup on your system. After you have inserted the backup device, launch the app or refresh the page. In the section entitled “Detected USB-Storage Devices” you should see that your device is listed as in this example:


To prepare this device for Bare Metal Backup, click .

WARNING!!! Initializing the device will erase all the content on the drive.

Confirm the initialization and erasing of the disk by pressing 'OK'.


The device will change to 'READY' on a subsequent refresh of the app.

Archives to be Restored

Choose the archive you'd like to restore - Home folders, Configuration or Flexshares. Home folders and flexshares can only be restored if they do not exist - this is, after all a Bare Metal backup solution.

Typically in a Bare Metal restore condition, you can co a Configuration restore first followed by the other two.

Scheduled Bare Metal Backup

If enabled, scheduled backups will take place daily at the time you select.

Email Notification Settings

Notification Level

Choose between Disabled, All Notifications or Only Errors and Warnings


The e-mail address you want to send the notifications to. Please ensure you have configured the Mail Notification app as well or notifications won't work.

I had problems getting this to work initially and had to add the following to /etc/clearos/bmbackup.d/email.conf:


Once that was done I could maintain the file. Note that setting “Disabled” deletes the file, but BMBackup can then successfully create it again

Last 10 Bare Metal Backup Log Messages

Selective Restore

If you need to do a selective restore, you can mount the USB device and extract the file(s) you need from the tar.gz archive. Use the “blkid” command to identify the USB device name.

content/en_us/7_ug_bmbackup.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/07 03:50 by NickH