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Best practices Host Networking

Applies when host is running on a soon to be outdated network. Before changing the host network the following precautions are recommended:

  • Don’t leave virtual machines (VM) running on the host that will change network, it’s better if you snapshot the VM and migrate them to another host and then start them there
  • Click on the hosts lock icon and set a password. This enables you to login via the console if something goes wrong. If no password has been set, the default root password via console is “witsbits” (without quotes)

If the host is marked as lost after 30 seconds the network most likely doesn’t work. The worker will go into dead end waiting for functional network connection. You can view workers output by pressing [Alt]+[F2]. To resolve the stalled network:

  • Access a free console output by press [Alt]+[F3]
  • Enter root/[your password] or default root/witsbits if none has been set
  • At console enter: ifconfig br0 [working IP e.g.] [working netmask e.g.]
  • At console enter: route add default gw [working gateway e.g.]
  • At console enter: echo -e ‘nameserver [working DNS1 e.g.]\nnameserver [working DNS2 e.g.]‘ > /etc/resolv.conf
  • Press [Alt]+[F2] to verify network isn’t stalled. If network is stalled after 10 seconds, re-run this process with a different network. I typically confirm a new network using ping at console to verify the new network works (checks basic IP network, DNS and routing)
content/en_us/vm_best_practices_host_networking.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/17 23:54 (external edit)