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I'm not a programmer so most of the time all I can do is wish and hope someone comes up with a solution, but I can also point out what I’d like to see and have on any system. So this are some of the things I keep wishing I had on ClearOS, Maybe there are more but this will do for now.

I am not sure if I should post a feature request for all any of them, so I would rather hear some feedback first before filing requests.

Port CDW to ClearOS 7
It is a CLI cd/dvd burner tool. In my case, I use it to burn ISO's and simple customer backups stored on my server.

Storage App
Redesign and finish it! Add more functions, include other paths such as transmission folders, maybe include remote storage settings as well? Make it possible to add an existing partition on a secondary disk. This would help if you need to keep the data on that disk. Add NTFS support.

Multiple php versions
I'd really like to see the options to select a specific version of php in a particular folder, subfolder, domain or subdomain. Just like the options we get with most common webhosting cpanel setups.

Allow ntp servers changes, add customs and define priority and more.

It would be nice to have other DDNS services available via webconfig, ex: DynDNS

Update accelerator
Take a look at IPFire update accelerator and clone it, it caches windows updates, antivirus, common regular updates, even android and iOS updates.
It’s one functionality that is handy saves bandwidth, time and it is a lot better than managing and hacking proxy settings.


Web Server
Include path to folders and files on webserver details

Apache Tomcat
This would be a nice addition.

Web file manager
This is something I really miss in ClearOS; I would like to manage files directly from webconfig and not have to resort to Midnight Commander or plain old ssh. This is one reason why I end up installing Webmin.

File permissions
Add functions to verify and fix file permissions on webserver and flexshares via web interface.

Better Wi-Fi support
Enough said.

CRON Manager
Another tool I find at webmin that I’d love to see on ClearOS webconfig

Wake on LAN (with scheduling)
This can be helpful if we need to run any scripts, backups, updates.

Apache proxy
Easily configure apache as an http proxy for other local server on your network. Sometimes old webapps that have been in use a long time don’t run well on ClearOS, and you might have some other server that hosts it, a proxy could come in handy.

NUT Ups Tools
Most of the time I don’t work with any APC ups, they cost a lot more here and even their maintenance is expensive. APC tools will not work with most of the brands I have here, so I would suggest adding Nut ups tools to the app list, and a webconfig for it would be awesome.

VoIP Server
I have a ClearOS Server and an Elastix VoIP server. I have an ATA pci card and I use the basic functions of VoIP, like routing, call waiting, transfer, recording, voicemail, conference. This is something that ClearOS could do and help reduce the numbers of servers on the network and so on.

Other ideas

Better comparison between media servers on market
Right now, I have to research online to decide which to install

Include network setup suggestions
One thing that might be helpful is to have some text or image showing different setups of network parameters. I'm thinking specifically of numbers of dhcp clients the subnet will allow, which numbers will be dedicated to remote vpn, static ip.

ZoneMinder - Security camera Server
Maybe ClearOS could add this function as well. Elastix has that option. I can get cheap pci cards for around 200 bucks but a DVR costs over 1000 here, but then I’d have to have another extra server and so on.
Monday, October 17 2016, 05:46 PM
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Responses (8)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, July 25 2018, 05:48 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    A quick update:

    The 12 interns and 8 developers (7 in DR Congo and 1 in Brazil) are getting familiar with ClearOS. They are making "Hello World" apps now.

    We (Rodrigo mainly) are currently compiling the priority list:

    If you have any suitable developments for interns, now is the time!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, July 07 2018, 09:18 PM - #Permalink
    1 votes
    Dear all,

    I am thrilled that Rodrigo, a team of young developers and I will be working on this very relevant feature wish list.

    This is a learning experience to get more active developers in the ClearOS community.

    We are going to need help:
    1- from non-coders to set requirements, testing, propose feature and UX enhancements, documentation, etc.
    2- from senior ClearOS team members (Peter, Benjamin, Dave, etc.) to guide us and make sure we doing things the right way.

    This is going to be awesome!

    Marc Laporte founder
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, July 04 2017, 04:38 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Dave, thanks for your answer.

    Is there a rough timeframe?

    btw congrats with the HP deal.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, July 03 2017, 03:01 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    There are some changes to ClearVM that Peter is only partially aware. There are some improvements that are coming that we think you will like. Stay tuned because I cannot say too much about them at the moment.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, July 02 2017, 02:14 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    I like to add my thoughts if I may.

    I agree with most suggestions made by Rodrigo.

    Regarding the storage app ClearOS is missing features which a NAS solution has. I think this is a weak point of ClearOS.

    Regarding the different php version there is coming a solution for this problem.

    What I'm personally really missing is Docker integration on ClearOS. I contacted Peter a while ago and asked about this, and he told me that there was a proof of concept.The guys from WikiSuite made this Docker app. He also told me that ClearCenter has nothing on the roadmap the moment. Only that Docker becomes part of ClearVM in the feature, but there isn't much progress. I'm not using ClearOS at the moment because I miss the Docker feature. I always experienced ClearOS as a real stable server OS. When I used ClearOS it was always rock solid. I was really disappointed of Peter's reply, and I never replied. I must admit I regret that. I really like to see Docker integration happen on ClearOS. So I like to see a project for Docker on ClearOS. Dave can you comment on this?

    Update: I replied Peter's mail.

    As I said to Peter I always willing to help. I know I'm not a programmer but I have some basic knowledge of variables, constants, collections, functions, etc, but I can't make a app. I have made a Docker how-to somewhere in the forums maybe this can be a starting point.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, June 17 2017, 09:19 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    These are all great ideas, I'm sorry I didn't see this thread earlier. I've created a folder to curate these ideas and to ask the community for any help on these and other ideas. The link for the folder is here:

    I will populate each of these ideas as their own 'project' and if anyone is interested in helping to program these we will help you get it going. Even if you are not a programmer but are a strong integrator then you can request write access to a doc and then put in your howto or steps. If you are a programmer, you can use these howtos as a scope of work as they mature. If you are a UI designer, then you can help with some mockups on how these would look in the interface.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, June 17 2017, 09:04 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Some of it is easily available from the command line. ZoneMinder can be installed from their website and comes with its own webconfig. You can change the ntp servers in /etc/ntp.conf file. For a DynDNS client you can install ddclient, but again, it is manual configuration. Nut and nut-client are in clearos-epel. Again it will be a manual configuration. Features are available but not necessarily through the webconfig. Lots of things could be added to the webconfig but it takes effort and would then need to be supported by people getting no revenue from it, unledd the feature becomes a business must-have.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, June 17 2017, 01:09 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Its been a while since I posted this and I still find myself needing this list.
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